Ash Tray Plate



Beautiful and artistic golden ash tray. plate made of thick sheet of metal and gold plated. An awesome item for home display, gift and as a souvenir to your freinds and family members. Glittering surface has many singapore famous icons deep carved on the body. An amaging art piece at a very good price. Value for money

Item Info

1. Items made of solid metal with long lasting finish.
2. Excellent Singapore Souvenir with deep carving work for famous singapore icons
3. excellent workman ship and surface finish.
4. Dimesions appx 14cm long, 14cm wide and 3cm height.. Weight 225gm.
5.Perfect for an ideal gift set.

Fine Prints

1. Dimensions are approximate.
2. Price is based upon self collection from given address in Singapore. No delivery will be made until requested. Delivery charges are extra.
3. Product can be bought with cash on delivery also,
4. No exchange or refund once product bought and collected in good condition.
5. Please check item upon receiving. Not responsible if any damage happens there after.

2 in stock


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